A picture of health
My coworker and I just ran across the street to stretch our legs and grab some juice. I decided on a whim to try a wheatgrass shot from Robek’s Juice. It’s something I’ve always wanted to experience. Turns out it actually smells more like grass than it tastes. Still, I wouldn’t have wanted to take it without chasing it down with juice. Would I try it again? Sure. Though that could change if I start retching like a sick dog in an hour.
The funny irony came in walking away from the shop. Here I was, a shot of wheatgrass in hand, and my coworker with his cigarette. The picture of health, eh?
I of course maintained the recommended first-shot-of-wheatgrass-caution. Always try it the first time near a secluded trash can. Fortunately our parking structure has a few.
—May 27, 2005